Wednesday, November 24, 2010

who says Turkey Day?

so last night as i'm trying to fall asleep i hear my little sister tillie out in the hallway by my room talking with my dad and she says, "is tomorrow turkey day?"...mind you tillie is only four years old. so i'm like who in the past 15 years  has used the term "Turkey Day" instead of Thanksgiving? it was just bizarre. niles and his fiance rachel are in town this week so that's super fun. gwennivier is all kinds of late and so all of my family wont get to see her this week which is really quite upsetting. but-i'm still more concerned that lil G is alright and she will for sure come when its time.
thanksgiving is tomorrow and my family is going out of town so it looks like i will be spending it with christopher and his mom this year...which will be fun and i really don't mind at all but it is pretty lame that my whole family won't be here and since i'm pregnant i can't go with them. but hey, cheers to new traditions i guess! i absolutely love the holidays and i cant wait to watch the macy's thanksgiving day parade tomorrow!!!
so...since tomorrow i might be a little too preoccupied to jump on the computer and post a blog about what i'm thankful for i will just cheat and do it now.

the things i am grateful for this year.
-my friends and family's support.
-more specifically Anna, Clara, Christopher, and my siblings.
-WIC and Medicaid.
-baby showers.
-child birth education classes.
-the time i've been able to spend with Christopher.
-having cable again.
-my puppies.
-unemployment benefits.
-finding so much time to write in my journal.

of course there is stuff i left out of that list but at least i can say thank you for some of the blessings in my life.
before my whole day gets sucked into the computer i should end this. i hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving break!!!!!


  1. this probably was the best blog i've ever read!
    seriously all i want to do is cry. I love you so much best friend and my lil peanut, i mean lil baby G!

  2. ahhhhh why are we such cry babies clara?! seriously, so pathetic :) i love this post, sierra. also i like how cable tv is before gwennivier. haha just kidding! i hope you have the best turkey day ever hahaha i def dont say turkey day. love you girl. kiss your belly for me! (even though thats probably soooo impossible right now)

  3. hahaha...okay yall did not seriously cry-did you? well even if yall did dont worry, being past 9 months pregnant makes me super over emotional all of the time so dont even worry girls. i CANNOT believe how close it is to gwennivier coming! im actually having a contraction right now, and ive had so many today so maybe she will actually come tomorrow! either way im going to call yall tomorrow to let yall know how the no stress test goes at the hospital.

    i love you best friends!! :]

  4. oh and anna...i did try to kiss my belly but yes, it is impossible.
    but i told her you loved her. and she definitely heard me.

  5. yesterday i talked to Halie and get this. The first thing she said to me was Happy Turkey Day.
    shut the what?!
    i definitely was tearing up, were just too excited that we have to cry all the time.
    ps. where is my b. G!?

  6. ahhhh i wish i coulda talked to you last week or just before you went in today. its okay, i'll talk to you soon :) and yes, tears rollin. for sure. everyday. k not really but i seriously did get really teary eyed. we are such emotional wrecks. good thing babies solve everything right? haha can't wait to meet your little girl! good luck today!!!!!!!! love you!

  7. i'm pretty sure we love you more. just sayin :)
