Monday, December 6, 2010

sleep is for squares.

soo, i had a baby! its still kind of bizarre to think about...its one of those things that you know will happen some day in your life and you are just terrified but now what do i do now that im on the other side of the whole experience? its kind of weird buutt...i couldnt be more excited to be un-pregnant. it was the most amazing experience of my life to carry my little baby girl inside of me but i cant say that i miss the backaches, overheating, huge stomach, and maternity clothes in the least bit. plus-now i can see her precious little face and let me just tell you, she is simply ADORABLE!! i love her so much.
she was born on tuesday, november 30th, 2010 at 5:17am. her legal name is Gwennivier Joann Bosley and she weighed 9 pounds 12 ounces and was 22 inches long. shes a big girl to say the least. she has a full head of dark brown hair and grey-ish blue eyes right now but im sure both will start to change as she gets older. she is super easy going, hardly cries, and lets me put her in any outfit i want...which is great because i absolutely LOVE dressing her up. she is lucky she is not a boy. :]
my whole labor and delivery went surprisingly well for it being an induction. i was induced around 6pm monday night with pitocin and having my water broken and so the contractions started off strong. they werent unbearable at first and i went until midnight before i got some pain medication administered through my IV. i cant remember what the pain medication was but it knocked me out and i was able to get a full hour of sleep before the medicine wore off. i got the medication again and then got to take another short nap. then when i woke up the contractions were hurting more than they had ever been and i really had to go to the bathroom so christopher helped gather up all of my IV cords and monitors and helped me into the bathroom and i had this overwhelming urge to push. i literally thought i might be giving birth to that baby in that bathroom. but soon the urge went away so i went back out to the room and the nurse was asking if i wanted to get an epidural. i told her yes but i wanted to wait until i was at least 5.5 cm dilated to try and avoid any complications so the nurse said "well last i checked you were only 3 cm so it might be a while" then, the urge came again. i told christopher that i HAD to push. the nurse looked kind of puzzled because she didnt think i was far enough along but she checked my cervix and sure enough, the full 10 cm. they still tried to give me an epidural but i told the doctor that i could not wait, this baby was coming right now whether it was time or not. they let me push a couple of times but they didnt want me to push really hard because the baby was already coming and my OB-GYN was asleep somewhere else in the hospital! he finally came and i had never been so happy to see him. within 10 minutes or less and just a few sets of pushing, Gwennivier was here!
she is healthy, and perfect. she did have jaundice which kept us in the hospital for four days but she was strong and is better now. she is also an excellent eater now, which was not the case in the hospital. i was so ready to just give up on breastfeeding and just pumping it for her and giving it to her in a bottle but we finally got the hang of it.
thank you to everyone who has been there for us during my pregnancy...i think it is yalls support that really made it so enjoyable and made me excited to actually give birth. it was something that i wouldnt trade for anything in the entire world. she can be a handful because she always needs my attention but she is so worth every second of my time that i spend with her.
...and she is starting to wake up now so i guess she is telling me im done with this post. this past week has been extremely busy so if i havent talked to you, its nothing can ask anyone and im sure they havent heard much from me since ive had her. :]

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

who says Turkey Day?

so last night as i'm trying to fall asleep i hear my little sister tillie out in the hallway by my room talking with my dad and she says, "is tomorrow turkey day?"...mind you tillie is only four years old. so i'm like who in the past 15 years  has used the term "Turkey Day" instead of Thanksgiving? it was just bizarre. niles and his fiance rachel are in town this week so that's super fun. gwennivier is all kinds of late and so all of my family wont get to see her this week which is really quite upsetting. but-i'm still more concerned that lil G is alright and she will for sure come when its time.
thanksgiving is tomorrow and my family is going out of town so it looks like i will be spending it with christopher and his mom this year...which will be fun and i really don't mind at all but it is pretty lame that my whole family won't be here and since i'm pregnant i can't go with them. but hey, cheers to new traditions i guess! i absolutely love the holidays and i cant wait to watch the macy's thanksgiving day parade tomorrow!!!
so...since tomorrow i might be a little too preoccupied to jump on the computer and post a blog about what i'm thankful for i will just cheat and do it now.

the things i am grateful for this year.
-my friends and family's support.
-more specifically Anna, Clara, Christopher, and my siblings.
-WIC and Medicaid.
-baby showers.
-child birth education classes.
-the time i've been able to spend with Christopher.
-having cable again.
-my puppies.
-unemployment benefits.
-finding so much time to write in my journal.

of course there is stuff i left out of that list but at least i can say thank you for some of the blessings in my life.
before my whole day gets sucked into the computer i should end this. i hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving break!!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

black and yellow.

so after talking with my best friends last night, i've decided to keep an online blog! hopefully as time progresses it will become better; i'm really just learning the basics right now.

so today has started off quickly. i went to my OB-GYN this morning and got an induction date set up for sunday at 5:00am! i cannot believe how close i am to meeting lil' G for the first time! and honestly-i'm more excited than nervous. she will be the topic of most of my blogs i assume...i mean how could she not? she will be basically my entire life for a while. today i finished setting up all of her furniture in my bedroom and put away the last of her precious little clothes in her drawers.

oh on another note, next semester i'm taking french! its been two years since i've been in a french class and boy do i miss it! but i'm excited to take kind of a "refresher course" and if all goes well i'll probably end up taking it again next fall. i want gwennivier [and any other future children of mine] to speak french. sure they won't have much use for it here in austin, tx but when they get older and when i travel the world with my future family, theyll be able to communicate with so many more people. it will be awesome. i'm very very excited about going back to school...
i bet in a few months i will think i am crazy for ever saying that. but nonetheless, i'm ready to get my education back on track.

okay well i completely don't know what else to talk about and i've been sitting at the computer a little too long so i guess the end!